What I have learn on my journey from 350lbs to 300lbs so far

I just want to start by saying Thank You to this community for the motivation to stick with it and hit my first milestone.

I am a 6'3'' 29 yr old white male, YAY ME, and I have never really had an issue with the way I looked. I was heavy sure, but I was okay with that. However on March 4th I was put on blood pressure medicine by my primary care doctor. Me on BP meds.?!?!?! Before 30!!! This was kind of a wake up call for me, I know BP meds are not awful, lots of people are on them for lots of health reasons, but I knew why I was on them and what that meant for my future health.

The next day I started trying lose weight, I say that like a montage was going to begin and weight would just start to fly off, but I have been here before and done this dance and had zero success. This time was going to be different though. I started by reading, using success stories of r/loseit, and articles from r/health. figured this time i was going to focus sole on my diet at first and see if I can see progress that way. I was not even weighting myself at the beginning, because this was not about my weight or what I looked like, this was about want to get healthy so I can live longer and grow old with my wife and watch a child grow up. Cut out junk food start by just becoming concuss of how much I was eating and what I was eating, the answer A LOT and garbage. okay so first goal is to structure a routine around 3 meals not 6 "small meals" when ever I am hungry. Next I worked on making sure that what I was eating was okay, for that I mean I thought about what was eating, what I had eaten, and what I was going to eat. I stopped eating junk food 2 and 3 times a day and by the end of the week I was eating a planned meal in the morning, at lunch and at night during my lunch break at work. It SUCKED that first week my body was hungry all the time and I felt like I was starving, but calorie counting can be a wonderful thing, I knew I wasn't starving my body was just craving all the junk and bad routine i had built into it. 3 weeks into it I started to work more on what I was eating I got the MyFittnessPal app and used to keep track of calories. I then started to run, reading online I decided to try a targeted heart-rate approach to exercise, it would be all about getting to a target heart-rate and maintain it for some amount of time, to start 10 min. It was working, for three weeks I ate well and ran in the morning, my resting heart rate throughout the day started to fall and daily activities like climbing ladders got easier, but a word of warning to anyone thinking of trying this be careful talk with your doctor and listen to your body, do not ignore pain, otherwise you might become very familiar with something called shin splints, like I did. Fast forward a few more weeks we are nearing the end of April and I have revisited the doctor I have Lost 50lbs Hurray, blood pressure is still to high but better. I still have a long way to go but my original goal of 250 if only 50 lbs away instead of 100, and I already feel better in everything I do from putting on socks to getting in and out of small cars. And i did it without some gimmick diet, or by the book exercises routine, it was all about choice. Choosing to eat healthy and pay attention to what is going on, choosing to get up and go run everyday. The choices got easier as time went on and continue to get easier everyday, but it is something that I still have to think about everyday and every meal for the time being.

Just wanted to share my progress and my thoughts.

submitted by /u/BigOgre01
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/bg4up4/what_i_have_learn_on_my_journey_from_350lbs_to/


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