30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 31 + Wrap Up!

It’s here...end of March. Time to wrap it all the way and prepare for April lads and lassies!

So let’s see how we did.

  • Diet/Lifestyle Change: I want to weigh 260 by the end of the month. (I made it to 260! I barely made it but we made it fam. Time to crank for April since I want to drop 15 pounds but I’m ready to go hard.)
  • Food: Meat is only allowed 4x a month (didn’t cheat 04/04)
  • Food: Snacks! I suck at it, I still love my potatoes (Not bad. I nipped my candy and I didn’t overload on carbs. I wanted fries today and stopped to get Vietnamese instead. I’m learning bit by bit.)
  • Draw at least one thing a day (sucked at this one)
  • Dance: I need to get my cardio up and I hate running, so I want to take at least two dance classes a week. (Didn’t get my 2x a week but tried to supplement with dance when I could. Work caused me to cancel most of the time but I’m going to get back at it. I need that time for me even with the late nights.)
  • Write: Have a new idea for either my first book or a new tv show. Time to put pen to paper. Goal: have either a complete outline or rough spec (if it's a show) by EOM. (Should be able to finish it tonight, to take it into April and write the first draft!)

Now, you! How did you do? Any progress is progress and we’re here to listen and help.

submitted by /u/cynisright
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/b7tq36/30_day_accountability_challenge_day_31_wrap_up/


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