Another goal reached... lost half of my body weight, BMI 44 to 22

Hey guys, so this took me absolutely by surprise, I thought I was maintaining-ish at around 65 kg for a month, then I noticed I needed the toilet a LOT, then the scale whooshed down to 60 kg (133 lbs) and I started to ugly cry right there on the gym scale. This is kind of a big thing for me. (36F, starting weight was around 120 kg at 165cm or 264 lbs at 5'5")

I'm trying not to repeat myself too much from my last post about how I got here. Basically, self worth was EVERYTHING. Not guilt and self-hate, but a determination to put only good things in my mouth because I deserve it.

I dabble in all kinds of things and do none properly. I've reduced carbs all around but nibble on my kids leftover sandwiches every day. I skip breakfast but then have a late night snack after workout so it's more like 14:10. I eat intuitively but once in a while crave the reassurance of MFP. I still eat lots of volume, tons and tons of quick salads and steamed veggies, lots of protein from dairy and eggs. It's not about what not to eat, but about what I want to eat more of, if that makes any sense.

Yes you can lose half your body weight without doing any cardio. I'm still in LOVE with strength training and I will have to make choices about upping my calories or staying weak as fuck at some point in the future, but not today. I've changed my goal to BMI 20 but I'm not sure if I really want to lose that much more, I'll see it when I get there.

What changed since my last post: you all finally did it and made me try CICO. I'm not sure how I feel about it. On the one hand the feeling of control it gives me is amazing, and I've learned valuable things about the way I eat, when and why I crave things, and so on. But I've also lost a bit of connection to my own gut feeling about eating, it becomes a numbers game to win, as in, if I'm 200 cals under budget I feel almost obliged to eat a piece of chocolate, regardless of whether I actually wanted any in the first place. Sweets are back in my life after two years of living almost sugarfree, and having them in moderation is SO MUCH harder than not having them at all. I hope it will be worth it in the long run to get a more relaxed relationship with all kinds of food.

I feel MUCH more comfortable in my new body, and to my surprise it was not a slow process, but hit me with a hammer on one particular day: I went shopping and needed a EU size 36. Don't know what your US equivalent is, here it's the smallest size on the label in most clothing stores. In my mind it's the Size Skinny People Buy. And BAM suddenly I was a Skinny Person. It has ACTUALLY happened I'm not fat anymore.

Now to the good stuff: New before/after at 120kg / 60 kg (same dress different sunglasses)

My favorite: an after/after pic at 145lbs / 133lb, if you're trying to decide whether it's worth it to lose those last 15 lbs.

submitted by /u/nhove
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