In desperate need for support

Hello everyone. This is my first time posting on this thread, but I'm in desperate need for support. Please.

I'm 26/f. In 2014 I weighed 200 lbs. at that time I decided to make drastic changes to my eating habits and begin exercising. I gradually dropped more and more weight, with some setback of course, until I reached my lowest weight of 140 lbs last summer. At the time I had done keto for about 8 months (with some short breaks from it).

Last year, I was also diagnosed with PCOS and started treatment. I stopped keto and included fruit and veggies, oats and other carbs in my diet. All was well until December of 2018. Yes, I'd gained about 5 lbs but still looked and felt fine.

I'm not sure what exactly happened. Obviously at some point I must have lost control over my eating and exercise, but I've gained a lot more than I would want to. Today I weighed myself at 152 lbs and measured my waist - almost 3 inches more.

Now I realize that it may not sound like a huge amount of weight, but you have to understand: at my lowest weight, I felt proud of myself; I felt beautiful and in a great shape; I could wear skirts and shorts and dresses and feel like a million bucks. Today I feel disappointed in myself and kind of desperate. I've cut my calories drastically and went back to the gym 4 times a week. I've started doing cardio. I'm determined to keep it up, but I need support.

I found comfort in the thought that some of it was waterweight and it would go away quickly. However after a week of eating under a 1000 calories the scale hasn't gone down and has even gone up a little bit, which I find hard to understand.

I just need to be reminded that it is possible and I can do it again.

My rant is over. Thank you for reading.

submitted by /u/Tete1093
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