This is going to be my year

Every year since I was about seventeen (and first reached 220lbs which would have made me cry had my mother not have been present) I've told myself I was going to change, this year it's finally going to happen because I have actually started paying attention to what my body says and have come up with a plan. I'm constantly munching on something so instead of eating a few large meals I will eat several smaller balanced ones (I like to call it the Hobbit diet lol).

First off I'm going to start waking up at a decent hour (I have issues falling asleep so often I'll be up until 3 sometimes 5 in the morning) but I'll make myself get up and stay up at 8. Now, every morning I wake up feeling starved, like "I'm going to be sick" starved (you ever get that?) So first thing is eating a cup of yogurt and some fruit just to get rid of that feeling while I get showered/dressed and then it's time for breakfast (or second breakfast lol).

Every meal will be small portioned and mostly fruit and veggies with some meat (I'm going to try to stay away from bread for a while) and every day I will go for a 30 minute walk and even when I'm just sitting watching TV I'll be using that weight I bought and haven't touched since.

I have very simple meals planned out and alarms set to remind me to get my ass moving. If I stick to it I'm hoping I can fall asleep at a decent hour, which means no more fighting to get up and not nap at some point in the day.

As of right now I, 22 year old female am 5'7 weighing about 214. My goal is to be about 170 by New Years.

submitted by /u/Token_Geek
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