3 months of progress! M, 5’6”, 150lbs -> 140lbs

Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/EN8OV7L

As I’m sure you can tell, most of my transformation has came from muscle gain rather than weight loss. I have never really been an athletic person, but I realized this was the root of my poorly shaped body. I wasn’t happy with the way I looked out of a shirt even though I have always been a decent weight.

After doing some research of my own I realized I was what is called “skinny fat”. I started reading books on nutrition and studying how to workout and what workouts to do. I ended up following strong lifts 5x5 and counting my macros. To this day, that is all I do [with a bit of running here and there] and I am loving the results.

submitted by /u/Bizzzleshizzzle
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/bgp1kn/3_months_of_progress_m_56_150lbs_140lbs/


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