Dealing with anxiety after huge weight loss

Hello /r/loseit

I've been losing weight and getting into shape for the better of 3/4 years on / off, over this time I have gone from my max weight of 158KG to currently at a nice healthy 82kg / 182LB or so while I'm 6ft 2"

I feel amazing, I've been getting much better sleep, I can breathe, I can run for miles now, last Sunday I did had a nice Little walk which I could not even do 1/2 miles before, life is amazing!

Heres the kicker, I am now getting much more attention than I previously got which is great and all but I'm finding social interactions harder now I've lost weight. When i was large I had pretty good confidence talking to people because I had more of a "I don't give a fuck" attitude towards everything, now I don't know how to handle social interactions since I've started to care about myself. it's really annoying me as I want the confidence of fat Jaxiki but not the body of Fat Jaxiki.

Heres a comparison not sure of the weight on the left, my face is also swollen in the one on the right, here is the loss of weight in my Face

I'm sure I'm not the only one in this boat, how did you all deal with it?

submitted by /u/Jaxiki
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