Down 40 pounds in 6 months!

Pictures first, here you go, nsfw just to be on the safe side. I am in my boxers in one picture Still need someone to snap a pic of me flexing now, the change is insane from that first shot

Forgive me if the formatting is trash, on posting this from my phone at work.

So I've always been a bigger guy. Played lineman in high school, always liked food, freshman 15 was really a freshman 30 for me, etc. After nearly a decade of being overweight and hating it, I decided enough was enough. I started working out, started eating better and it was a real struggle. I found out getting fit is a lot harder than just losing the weight, and it took me a long time to get into the groove.

Well as of today, I weigh less than I did when I left high school! The last six weeks I've been doing a crossfit bootcamp, and dieting pretty hard, but I lost almost 22 pounds in the last 6 weeks alone it's insane! I'm now officially no longer in the overweight BMI range! Now on to the next goal, 5k in less than 30 mins!

The thing that is really understated with weight loss stories is how you feel. Outside of just losing the weight and being skinnier, which is great and all, but I feel incredible! My mood swings are less severe, I have SO MUCH energy now, I actually crave activities! My relationship with food has been changed forever, the first 3 weeks all I could think about was hitting that final weigh in and eating a whole pizza to myself, but I ended up just eating 3 slices and being able to walk away! It's amazing what has changed so far, and I can't wait to see how far I can push it! I will see yall in another 6 months!

submitted by /u/Aycoth
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Thank you guys. Thanks to you, im down 40lb and I have opened my eyes to new foods.

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