Easter Motivation

Some of you may have seen this posted over at r/xxketo, but I wanted to share this accomplishment with a broader audience.


At Easter last year I had given up. After being thin my entire childhood and into my twenties, I had ballooned up. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, struggling with ptsd and depression, was focused on my special needs child, and could not lose weight. I tried everything, and I could not stick with anything. The cravings were too intense. With each pregnancy I gained 80 lbs, and with each one I was only able to lose a fraction of what I had gained. After the last pregnancy I got into the 180s, but over the next few years slowly realized 223 (or thereabouts... because at some point I quit weighing myself).

I’m 5’10. People would always tell me I carried my weight well, and I’d try and believe them. When I looked in the mirror, I couldn’t see the weight... I’d always been skinny. I knew how to stand, what to suck in, how to angle my face, so I lied to myself. Then my mom took the picture of me last Easter and I knew things had to change.

One of the things I did was treat my autoimmune disorder. I had quit taking medication for it... because I felt like crap anyway so why bother? I also was diagnosed with h-pylori. That made it difficult for me to work out, so I was treated for that. I started the keto diet last June, but did not stick with it like I should. I’d fall off at the drop of the hat. I only lost 5 lbs in the first six months. In December I started stocking to keto foods. My acid reflux, heartburn, bloating, and other forms of inflammation all disappeared. The last week of December I started walking my dog. We walk between 3-5 miles a day. For three months I weighed everything that went into my face and used the carb manager app. I went from 217 - 195. At that point I felt good, and wanted to take a break from the hardcore effort of tracking each and every bite. So for the last month I’ve just been eating foods I’m familiar with. For the first several weeks I didn’t see any loss, but now I’m down to 190!

Supplements I take: Prenatal vitamins Magnesium Fish oil Collagen peptides

Here are some benefits that have come with weight loss:

I quit losing my hair. I walked the zoo yesterday with my kids and wasn’t tired at all. I don’t crash in the early afternoon like I used to. I’m a more positive person overall (I credit that to my daily walks in the fresh air). I no longer have pain in my joints. And I believe in myself again.

Btw, my doctor is closely monitoring my cholesterol while on the keto diet and she has no concerns at this time.

submitted by /u/trulykate01
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/bghm6d/easter_motivation/


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