I didn’t eat a donut!

So donuts are delicious obviously. But I’ve been trying to be conscious of what I eat by counting calories and just being more mindful and it’s hard to fit in a good donut with that. Without making any drastic changes beside counting calories and not eating out as much I’ve lost a few pounds which is great.

However somehow I got designated to pick up the donuts this morning before work for everybody. I figured I would get one either on the side or before I placed them out, and I would only limit myself to one then deal with consequences later in the day (light dinner). But I didn’t eat any! I kept thinking about it, but told myself it’s not worth the calories this early in the morning. And now I have enough calories for a sweet dessert after dinner!

It’s a small victory but I’m hoping this is a good sign this time is different. I’ve tried losing weight before and always gained it back or didn’t lose hardly any. But with yalls help I’ve realized it’s truly about portion control and CICO. Looking forward to this journey!!

submitted by /u/amm513
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/bghdu4/i_didnt_eat_a_donut/


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