I have officially lost ten pounds!!

I am absolutely thrilled to be writing this. My starting weight was only 153, and as a 5’5” female, that’s not horrible, but still overweight. Even though I don’t have nearly as far to go as many on this sub, but these ten pounds mean I am over half way to my goal weight of 135. So here’s what has worked for me and what I’ve learned since starting in January. I don’t really honestly know anything, but if I can help anyone keep on keepin on, that’s wild. I’ve got two big ones and a few smaller ones:

  • Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.
    This is my number one rule. It’s what I’m learning to let guide my life, but is been especially good to remember as I lose weight. I don’t have to go to the gym and go HARDCORE five days a week. I was doing this and I had an impossible time staying within my calorie limit! I felt like a hungry failure. I reduced my work out intensity and now I can easily stay within 1500 calories. I don’t have to eat a perfect diet of quinoa and lettuce. Eating a whole pint of So Delicious Mousse is what you need some days. And most importantly, when you slip up, resist the urge to feel like a complete failure. Do better tomorrow than you did today. I can’t count the amount of times I said that. As long as you do better, that’s enough.

  • My body feels very different, yet looks almost the same I’ll be honest, expected my body to look vastly different after losing ten pounds. It doesn’t. My proportions more or less stayed the same. My arms are still big. It feels like my thighs didn’t change at all lol. But everything is smaller. My waist is three inches smaller than when I started. I lost weight very evenly around my body. The only big change I can see is my face. Holy shit losing ten pounds really brought out my features. But the bigger difference is in how I feel. My stomach feels tighter, my body feels bonier (not in a bad way, I just have less fat everywhere). I don’t feel weighed down in any way by my body. When I run, I feel like I’m gliding rather than C L O M P I N G. It’s a good feeling. And don’t get me wrong, I still like how I look, it’s just becoming extremely apparent that losing weight won’t solve my insecurities (wow who would’ve guessed lol).

Also on a side note, I feel like more male co-workers have awkwardly tried to start conversations with me. I also feel like I’ve had more doors held for me. I could just be imagining it, but idk. It feels weird and I’m curious if anyone else has felt this way. It’s only ten pounds.

  • Being a vegan and counting calories low-key sucks Y’all dairy eaters have WAY more low calorie ice cream options. I want that strawberry cheese cake halo top dammit! And Greek yogurt, that shit has so much protein. And the amount of times I’ve found a delicious looking recipe or something on r/1200isplenty only to find it has dairy or meat makes me wanna scream.

  • A serving of fries is depressingly few

  • lastly Sometimes you wanna give up and eat a whole cake and that’s okay Momentary moments of feeling like CICO is too draining and the results won’t be worth it and I WANT CAKE NOW I WANNA BE THICC FOREVER are normal. I have them weekly. The goals is to just keep pushing. Keep running the marathon. Even if you have to walk some of it to keep from giving up, just keep going. I honestly didn’t think I’d stick with this long enough to lose ten pounds and go down a pants size. I never thought I’d go to Target, try on everything in a size small and have it fit pretty comfortably. But because I pushed past every desire to quit, I’m over halfway to my goals. Keep going to the gym even if you just want to go home because the store is under staffed, the WORST customers were there today, and because you think dinner can’t wait (it can). If something isn’t working, don’t assume you have to quit. Change it up. Keep things fresh. But whatever you do don’t quit. Some days the only reason I don’t eat seven Oreos is because “I’ve come this far why stop now”. It’s normal to wanna quit, but the goal is far greater than any entire row of Oreos you want now. (I don’t keep Oreos in my house because despite what I’ve written here, my lizard brain absolutely refuses to believe that fact is true).

submitted by /u/Kill_the_worms
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/bgl1cv/i_have_officially_lost_ten_pounds/


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