My weight loss goal is really helping me feel productive while I'm working through some tough personal issues.

I've been on my weight loss journey for almost two weeks and have had an almost perfect run of 8/16 intermittent fasting days. My weight went up when I began Seroquel back in 2014 and, while it saved my life and it works wonderfully with Wellbutrin (after 20 different med combos didn't work), it also ballooned me up to 235 pounds at my worst. I'm currently at 205 pounds, down nearly 10 pounds from two weeks ago (and down 30 pounds from my worst in 2016). Also, after taking two weeks off from the gym to get acclimated to intermittent fasting, I'm going back on my workout routine tomorrow. It's all cardio (I can't lift because of a bad neck injury I had years ago) and I love it. I've been stuck at 210-215 for the past year and being at 205 is really encouraging.

What sparked me to finally get serious about getting back to my goal weight was that I've had a bunch of really shitty things happen recently and I am trying my best to do everything humanely possible to get back on track and get my physical and mental health in good shape. I had been working full time as a drug and alcohol counselor and left last month due to an unsafe work environment and horrible management. It's not a huge deal, I found a part-time gig the same week and am enjoying the new job until I begin grad school in the fall. Grad school had always been the plan, it will just be the full time plan now instead of part time with a full time job. I have not received the result of my admission yet (they decide in May) but my grades were awesome, GRE was solid, and I was in a bunch of honors organizations. I went back to college at 31 and got my BA in Psychology last year and want to be a licensed therapist.

Leaving the full time job really hurt and I've been battling a huge depression spiral. I've been doing everything I can to fight it - I have a new therapist, new psychiatrist, going to 12-step meetings, starting Tai Chi in a week, have numerous friend groups I'm being social with, am an active member of a really good church, I'm working on creating music and will be recording in a few weeks, being an awesome owner to my dog, etc.

With most of these things, the results are really hard to quantify. The fact that this weight loss journey is totally numbers is really helping me know that every day, even if everything sucks, every day I stick to the diet I am losing weight and feeling better physically.

I am really grateful to this community. I hope to be at my goal weight by the end of summer when I begin grad school!

submitted by /u/blehblah628
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