No longer over 300 pounds!

I've been working out on and off for a while now, at the start of the year I weighed 150kg or 330.6 pounds. Seeing this weight at 5'10 on the scale was the kicker i needed to get started with my weight loss journey. I recently moved for a new job and didn't have a scales with me but kicked it up a notch with my gym routines and walking to work. Scales finally arrived today and after not weighing myself in a long time, I am down to 133.4kg or 294 pounds. I knew I had lost some weight from the way my clothes were fitting but I'm stoked with the progress so far. This time feels different than any time I've lost it before because the weight loss was slow, steady and consistent, nothing extreme, just CICO and exercise. I'm no-where near the end of my journey but you have to start somewhere and do try and remember it's a marathon not a sprint.

submitted by /u/trydon55
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