NSV: Where father/mother???

I've actually been maintaining for almost a year now but every once in a while something awesome happens to remind me how far I've come.

We have chinese neighbors across the street. I've talked to the guy there a few times, nice dude. His wife I hardly ever see out and her english is very limited. I'm going to be quoting her verbatim here. I don't want it to come across as mocking. It's word for word what she said. The language barrier added to the confusion of the situation and, ultimately, the humor.

The weather was super nice yesterday so I was out with my two year old son trying to tidy up a bit in the garage while at the same time play with him. After a while, the lady across the street comes over.

Her: Hi.

Me: Hey, how are you?

Her: Where...father/mother?

Me: Sorry?

Her, pointing to my son: Where father/mother?

Me, a bit confused: His mother? She's out this morning but she'll be home soon.

Her: Where father?

Me: I'm his father.

At this point she looks like she thinks I'm lying.

Me: Is there some confusion?

Her: Father, uh, very big man. (she makes a gesture with her arms showing how round she remembers me.)

So now I understand what she's getting at and I just laughed. I told her that, yes, that's me, I lost the weight. She was incredulous until I showed her some before/after pics on my phone. She was floored. She asked about my wife as well since my wife also lost almost 100 lbs and she wasn't recognizable to our neighbor anymore either.

Was a great encounter, a fun story, and made me feel awesome.

submitted by /u/Spyhop
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/bgmbto/nsv_where_fathermother/


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