Overcoming binge eating advice?

Female, 18, 5'4, 130-135 lb

I am not overweight but I would still like to change my eating habits. I used to be less than 110 pounds and have a relatively good relationship with food; after unnecessary dieting due to insecurity (which now amazes me because I was already fine before, what was I thinking?) my weight has increased. Now I am trying so hard to overcome binge-eating. I don’t know if mine is severe but I often eat until my stomach physically hurts and I’m close to throwing up. It has caused me stomach discomfort, acid reflux, nausea, and just really makes me feel bad overall. I'm starting to become concerned about my health (eating that much at a time must really wreck havoc on the system.) I eat out of boredom and I turn to it for comfort when it is the very thing that makes me uncomfortable! (gosh) I really hope I can just regain my healthy relationship with food and get over my obsession. I think a little bit of weight loss would come naturally with ending my binge-eating, but that is no longer my main concern. I'm going to start listening to the Brain Over Binge podcast. Any advice would just be great!

submitted by /u/lenyiu9
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/bgpyqp/overcoming_binge_eating_advice/


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