Something they don’t tell you when you have lost weight...

So I’m a heterosexual 29(F) and I’ve lost 81 pounds at 5’1. Needless to say, I have been attracting more male attention. I got out of a LTR of over 4 years about a year ago. My long term partner often made me feel shitty about my weight and appearance. Now that I have been dating again, the pool of men is much wider and more conventionally attractive.

Recently, I’ve begun dating a man that I find INCREDIBLY attractive. The issue is that I feel so much more insecure about him cheating on me. We have agreed to be exclusive, but I just find myself thinking “what is he doing with me. He could have a woman who is so much more attractive”. I realize this is faulty thinking... but it’s part of losing weight when you’re single that doesn’t get talked about. Your physical appearance changes but your mental state sometimes takes longer to keep up.

What have your experiences been with losing weight and starting new relationships?

submitted by /u/schuenkeo
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