Thank you guys. Thanks to you, im down 40lb and I have opened my eyes to new foods.

I've lurked on here for awhile but never posted. Seeing all the changes you guys made helped my girlfriend and I finally start thinking about our health and the future. We we're around 280-270 at 5ft 8in. We promised to lose weight in January and decided to run with it. After looking at all the different ways people lost weight, we decided that trying to go vegetarian and counting calories would probably work the best. We limited ourselves to 1600 calories a day and kept at it. I eventually went back to meat simply because the vegetarian meat substitute was starting to get expensive (I can buy chicken patties and get twice as much for the same price). We haven't exercised one bit but we are looking forward to hiking and doing more Sports this summer. I used to BMX race when I was younger and I really want to get back to doing that or mountain biking. The biggest hurdle for me to get over was to stop stress-eating. I've had long standing issues with some mild depression and stress due to an abusive father, a shity neighborhood to grow up in, and now College destroying me mentally and financially. The thing that really helped was realising why I was going back to the fridge when I just ate, or thinking about what would make me hungry. I just wanted to say thank you guys and I'm hoping to hit my goal weight of 150lb by January next year.

submitted by /u/MuphynToy
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