The girl in the mirror is the one I've always dreamed of seeing

Stats: 19/F 5'7" SW: 162 lbs CW: 135 lbs (Lost over 7 months)

I've been overweight ever since I was in elementary school, honestly ever since I can remember. Growing up, I hated my body, but I was too ashamed to admit that I was overweight and had problems with binge eating and portion control. I remember in middle school when I would fall asleep dreaming of a magic knife that would cut the fat off of my body, or wishing so badly that one day I would wake up skinny. I never felt like I had control of my body. And every day, I avoided looking in the mirror because I knew I wouldn't like the girl that I saw.

Today, though, I looked in the mirror of a dressing room at the mall, and I realized that I love the girl that I see. She's the girl I've always dreamed about since I was little, the girl whose body I wanted to wake up in. It's been a damn hard journey to get here, but I did it! I thought it was impossible, but I became that girl, all on my own! It didn't even take a magic knife, just a change in my basic habits.

How I did it:

-I wrote down everything I ate in a journal every day. This is honestly the main reason why I succeeded in losing weight. It made me so much more aware of what I was eating, and I could see on paper my eating habits and what I needed to change.

-I ate SLOWER. This is the other main reason I've succeeded. Before, I'd scarf down a whole plate of dinner in ten minutes, but now it takes me an hour to get through one plate. This: A) Makes me more aware of what I'm eating, B) Tricks my brain into making me think I've eaten a lot simply because it took so long to eat, and C) Makes me enjoy the food more, so I'm less tempted to eat more to satisfy myself later.

-I ate more vegetables and (broth-based) soup. I live in an Asian country, so those two things are pretty easy to come by. The rest of my diet is pretty much the same, but adding a bunch of cooked vegetables and soup makes me very full very quickly, so there's not much room for other stuff.

-I started to run. I don't think it was the exercise itself that made me lose weight, but how it affected my eating habits. If I ate too much, then running felt gross and difficult. If I didn't eat enough, then I'd be too weak to run. So running was my gauge on whether or not the amount I ate was right. Also, on days that I ran, I just felt more motivated to eat healthy because I had already made one healthy choice to exercise. I also added some weight-lifting a few times per week after running became a habit.

-I didn't eat anything that doesn't have nutritional value. This basically means no drinks besides water, no candy or sugary stuff, etc. As long as a food had protein or carbs or nutrients, I never guilted myself about eating it. This made me feel a lot better when I messed up and ate too much. As long as the calories aren't empty, then I'm doing okay.

-Unpopular opinion, but I did NOT count calories. CICO stresses me the fuck out, and in the past I have become very obsessive about counting calories. I've forced myself to learn intuitive eating by watching the naturally thin people around me and how they eat. Honestly, I just try to copy them and eat as much as they do, and choose healthier foods overall.

Most important: Don't give up! I told myself at the beginning that THIS would be the time that I finally stuck through and dedicated myself, where I would pour all my energy into changing my habits and finally becoming a healthier person. I stuck through, and it was worth it! 100% worth it! I can't even express how much happier and healthier and confident I feel now. Every single second of hard work I put into not eating when I was full, or going out to run when already exhausted. It was all worth it. Stick through it, and one day you'll look in the mirror and realize that you see that person that you've always wanted to see. That's no one else in the mirror, I promise it's not a's really you! You've done it, woo hoo!

Link to before and after pics

submitted by /u/misopig
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