Has anyone had any success getting over the emotional blocks to weight loss? What are your stories?

Hi r/loseit!

I’ve lurked here a long time on various accounts and I’m always inspired by how hard you’re all working. I have read the things in the sidebar about motivation and binge eating - all useful but still don't seem to gel with the below.

I’m about 60lbs overweight now. I know how to lose weight, I’ve done it before, but emotional upheaval always gets in the way.

Food is a combination of comfort, rebellion and self soothing when I’m stressed/angry (almost becomes compulsive in this context). I've had a counsellor for years, and even when we approach these things I never have any long standing success.

I’m not sure what the answer is anymore. I’ve read plenty of books, tried different accountability methods - I even have a personal trainer. I’ve watched people on Instagram transform through “self love”, and I know the answer really is just “do it”, but I can’t find a way to stop myself reaching for snacks/sugar if my mood is anything other than “fine”.

For some additional context, I lost three people last year - one of them was my Dad (cancer). The weight has always been an issue, but that has obviously escalated it. I feel like now though it’s not helping the grief, and all I’m doing is shortening my own life.

I’ve also had two people close to me tell me there is no point in me trying because I always go back to my old ways—I would really love to have something to rub in their face, but also feel like they are right.

Has anyone had any success with the emotional side of this? What are your stories?


submitted by /u/skullytea
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/bgtaa7/has_anyone_had_any_success_getting_over_the/


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