I'm not going to lose anymore. I saw my goal in the mirror today

Go to your mirror and look at yourself naked. Be proud! You and you alone keep that alive and made those changes. Imagine what you'll be seeing in 3, 6, 12 months.

I'm holding steady between 143 and 148. I thought I wanted to get down to 136 until I caught myself naked yesterday and finally felt happy with my reflection. I actually saw a woman's body like those in Renaissance paintings! Plump little belly, thick thighs, wide hips, soft and feminine. I don't have to look like a Greek goddess statue. I'm fine where I am. A little extra skin, stretch marks from the miracle of child bearing, smaller breasts with a little sag, and none of that worries me anymore.

I've gotten my permanent eating habits in place, keep the calories low and nutritious, eat in my 8 hour window, etc. I need to get back to working out for keeping my heart healthy and my muscles strong, but that's it. I am finished. I never thought I'd get to this point, but I persevered and broke all those plateaus and fought hard for this happiness. 6 months of work for happiness to last the rest of my life. I hope you read this and felt inspired and encouraged to keep on pushing through to your goals.

Go look at yourself and feel proud.

submitted by /u/gabiaeali
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/bgfshc/im_not_going_to_lose_anymore_i_saw_my_goal_in_the/


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